
    They are ideal for a wide variety of environments; in homes, bathrooms, kitchens, hallways, hotels, restaurants, official bodies, showrooms, shop windows, art galleries, etc., they will give a touch of distinction and create warmer spaces.


Alignment and gluing

   Our tiles are laid by gluing. There are special glues for this, we can also use cement glue powder that is mixed with water.

   The first thing to do is to align the tiles. For a correct laying, we will draw a vertical axis on the surface to be tiled and a horizontal axis on the lower part of the wall but we will leave enough space, corresponding to the size of a tile.

   Then we will have to apply an even layer of the glue on the wall, with a toothed spatula. We will glue a surface of approximately 60 x 60 cm, where we will place, one by one, the tiles in the four angles that we have formed with the traced lines. We will do this by gently sliding them into their correct position so that they maintain perfect alignment with the rest of the tiles. We will repeat this with each of the tiles, taking the tiles already laid as a reference. In order for the alignment to be more exact, it will be necessary to use a ruler or plumb line.



   Given the straightness of the finish on the sides of our tiles, it is not necessary to leave joints between tiles, but if you wish to do so, you will need to purchase white powdered cement. Following the instructions on the product, mix it with water, making it quite liquid. Spread the product with a trowel, making sure it spreads evenly, penetrating well into the tile joints. To finish, we will spread white cement in the joints so that they harden. Remove the excess with a damp sponge and leave to dry partially.